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- #38세계여성의날 #38여성대회 #한국여성대회 #광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
- #역대슬로건 #38세계여성의날 #38여성대회 #한국여성대회 #서울광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
- #오지은 #사회자 #38세계여성의날 #38여성대회 #한국여성대회 #서울광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
- #성평등걸림돌 #38세계여성의날 #38여성대회 #한국여성대회 #서울광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
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- #38여성대회기념영상 #38세계여성의날 #한국여성대회 #광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
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- 여성대회 #38여성대회 #37회한국여성대회 #세계여성의날 #IWD
- 여성대회 #38여성대회 #제38회한국여성대회 #특별상 #세계여성의날 #IWD #성평등을향해전진하라
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- 여성대회 #38여성대회 #38회한국여성대회 #세계여성의날 #IWD
- #38세계여성의날 #38여성대회 #한국여성대회 #서울광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
- #38세계여성의날 #38여성대회 #한국여성대회 #광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
- #여성의달 #모금함오픈 #해피빈 #38세계여성의날 #38여성대회 #한국여성대회 #서울광화문동십자각 #시대를잇는우리의연대 #페미니스트가민주주의를구한다 #모이자광장으로 #가자성평등민주주의 #제40회한국여성대회 #한국여성단체연합 #성평등 #민주주의 #성평등실현 #성차별반대 #moveforward #moveforwardkorea #internationalwomensday2025
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- 성평등은민주주의의완성이다 #38세계여성의날 #한국여성대회 #서울청계광장 #성평등을향해전진하라 #어두울수록빛나는 #연대의행진 #모이자광장으로 #바꾸자여성주권자의힘으로 #가자성평등
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3.8 세계여성의 날 기념 한국여성대회
38th Korean Women’s Festival (March 4 / Seoul Plaza) Move Forward Towards Gender Equality! 본문
38th Korean Women’s Festival (March 4 / Seoul Plaza) Move Forward Towards Gender Equality!
kwau_38 2023. 4. 13. 11:34
38th Korean Women’s Festival to
Celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8)
Move Forward Towards Gender Equality!
Strong Waves of Solidarity Transcending the Era of Regression
○ 38th Korean Women’s Festival to Celebrate International Women’s Day
- Date and Time: March 4, 2023 (Sat) (12:00pm – 5:00 pm) (*Main event starts at 2:30 pm)
Location: Seoul Plaza (in front of Seoul City Hall)
○ Open-air citizen booth program (12:00pm – 5:00 pm)
A venue for promoting campaigns and activities held by 60 various groups, organizations and citizens
○ Exhibition Zone (12:00pm – 5:00 pm)
Exhibition of the records of a variety of Korean feminist activism and social movements and previous Korean Women’s Festivals
○ Open Stage ‘We share the festival stage prior to the main event’ (1:30 - 2:30 pm)
Feminist busking and performance (singing, dancing, performing, giving speeches, etc.)
○ Announcement of ‘Feminist Activism of the Year Award’, ‘Special Award’, ‘Steppingstone for Gender Equality’ and comments from awardees, as well as the announcement of ‘Obstacle to Gender Equality’
The ‘Feminist Activism of the Year Award’ awards the individuals or organizations that have contributed to the development of gender equality in our society and feminist activism over the past year.
‘Steppingstone for Gender Equality’ awards the individuals or organizations that have contributed to the development of gender equality in our society over the past year. Whereas ‘Obstacle to Gender Equality’ designates individuals or organizations that have played obstacles to realizing gender equality in our society.
○ ‘March 8th Women’s Declaration’ of Women Moving Forward Towards Gender Equality
○ Performance: ‘Best Dancers (Chum-shin-chum-whang)’, Solidarity of Minorities’ Pungmul band ‘Jangpoong’, Lee So-seon Choir
○ Participant Performance: ‘The People United Will Never Be Defeated’
- Performance by all participants to the song of Lee So-Seon Choir
○ Parade : Seoul Plaza → Gwanghwamun Intersection → Jonggak Station → Eulji-ro entrance 1(il)-ga Station → Seoul Plaza
○ Ending: ‘Everybody Dance Together’
○ March 8th International Women’s Day is a day that the world, including the United Nations, celebrates together and has been
a legal anniversary in Korea since 2018. The Korean Women’s Festival, which began in 1985, was a venue for eradicating
discrimination against women and promoting women’s rights and a space to capture the demands of each era. In addition, the
Korean Women’s Festival has become a venue for everybody to enjoy, including not only feminist activist groups but also the
○ The 38th Korean Women’s Festival 2023 to celebrate International Women’s Day is a place to unite the voices of feminist citizens and women nationwide, demanding gender equality and democracy against the current backlash of gender equality policy and
implementation system. In addition, it will serve as a forum for public opinion and a venue for festivals for those in solidarity to
change the paradigm of this society by actively sharing and linking intersecting agendas in various areas.
○ The 38th Korean Women’s Festival is held at March 4 (Saturday), 2023 in Seoul Plaza. Booth programs with various issues and
citizens, and exhibition programs of gender equality related organizations and institutions’ promotional materials are scheduled.
As a pre-stage, the open stage – Feminist Bedlam - ‘Sharing the pre-stage of the 3.8 Women’s Festival’ will present songs and
remarks by feminist performers. During the main event, there will be an announcement of the winners of the ‘Feminist Activism of
the Year Award’, ‘Special Award’, ‘Steppingstone for Gender Equality’, and comments from winners, as well as the announcement of ‘Obstacle to Gender Equality’. Also, the ‘March 8th Women’s Declaration’ will be announced, along with performances by Solidarity
of Minorities’ Pungmul band ‘Jangpoong’, Lee So-seon Choir, and a performance involving all participants. A parade is scheduled
after the performance. We ask you for your interest and participation in the 38th Korean Women’s Festival, where you can recognize each other’s existence and feel empowered and strengthen solidarity across generations, regions, and experiences.
'3.8 세계여성의 날 기념 한국여성대회 > 제38회 한국여성대회(2023)' 카테고리의 다른 글
115주년 3·8 세계여성의 날 기념 전국 각지에서 지역여성대회 개최 소식 (0) | 2023.04.13 |
3.8 세계여성의 날 기념 제38회 한국여성대회 다국어 포스터 (0) | 2023.04.13 |
[안내]3.8 세계여성의 날 기념 제38회 한국여성대회 (0) | 2023.04.13 |
[공연신청] 3.8세계여성의 날 기념 제38회 한국여성대회 오픈스테이지 '페미난장' (0) | 2023.04.13 |
2023년 3.8세계여성의 날 기념 제38회 한국여성대회 자원활동가 모집 (~2/19) (0) | 2023.04.13 |